Friday, January 29, 2010
• J.D. Salinger died Wednesday in Cornish, New Hampshire. He was 91. (The New York Times - Charles McGrath) (The Times) (The National Post - Robert Fulford)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
• The zero rupee note. (blogs.worldbank)
• Conservation online, or CoOL, is hosted by Stanford University Libraries. (CoOL)
• How to photograph mum wearing a push-up bra. (The Guardian)
• Conservation online, or CoOL, is hosted by Stanford University Libraries. (CoOL)
• How to photograph mum wearing a push-up bra. (The Guardian)

Scuba Diver
11.4 x 8.9 cm (4.5" x 3.5)
While I was walking through the Nagoya Aquarium last fall I found two divers were cleaning one of the dolphin tanks. They were visible, as were the dolphins, through the glass wall of the tank.
This watercolour is a quick impression of one the divers at work.
The digital image on your screen is about the size of the actual painting.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
• Garry Kasparov on the computer, chess, and the human mind. (The New York Review of Books)
Monday, January 25, 2010
• Day jobs for artists. (The Guardian)
• Lessons in the obvious: previewing poetry. (Contemporary Poetry Review)
• 'We're not running a charity here.' America's reception of translated literature. Yawn. (The Smart Set)
• Lessons in the obvious: previewing poetry. (Contemporary Poetry Review)
• 'We're not running a charity here.' America's reception of translated literature. Yawn. (The Smart Set)

watercolour on mulberry paper
45.7 cm x 30.5 cm (18" x 12")
This painting is ages old. It's a failed experiment in painting with watercolour on mulberry paper. Because the paint spreads almost uncontrollably throughout the paper, it's difficult to draw with any precision. This is, of course, also part of the charm of watercolour on mulberry paper. Sometimes it's charming, sometimes not.
If you detect the slight, or not so slight, influence of Emil Nolde, you are not entirely mistaken.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
• Mystery writer Robert B. Parker died Monday at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (The New York Times) (The Boston Globe)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
• Busy today. Be back tomorrow. I'll leave you with the classic Richard Condie cartoon, The Cat Came Back.
• I hope you're jogging in place as you read this article. (The Winnipeg Free Press)
(By the way, the right leg of the Grey Woman posted yesterday is bothering me. It looks too short. What do you think?)
• I hope you're jogging in place as you read this article. (The Winnipeg Free Press)
(By the way, the right leg of the Grey Woman posted yesterday is bothering me. It looks too short. What do you think?)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
• The unluckiest country: Haiti. (Foreign Policy)
• Moscow has 35,000 stray dogs. (Financial Times)
• Women too can design tall ugly buildings. (The Los Angeles Times) (via C-Monster)
• Moscow has 35,000 stray dogs. (Financial Times)
• Women too can design tall ugly buildings. (The Los Angeles Times) (via C-Monster)
Monday, January 18, 2010
• “From here, the artist explores the dynamics of voyeurism and the unsettling dimension of artistic imagery, revisiting classical myths, baroque iconography and memento mori, filtered through the fundamental issues of post-modern thought. By uniting his own philosophical and literary iconography, the artist has defined a modern form of realism.” Cool. (Art Baloney)
• Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe. (review)
• Good for you. Yuk. Simplistic Art.
• China at the centre of the world. (CBC News)
• Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe. (review)
• Good for you. Yuk. Simplistic Art.
• China at the centre of the world. (CBC News)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
• More from the 'Say it ain't so!' department: Van Gogh knew what he was doing. (Standpoint.)
• What is good writing? (The American Scholar)
• Who would have guessed? Richard Nixon wasn't a fan of modern art. (ARTINFO)
• What is good writing? (The American Scholar)
• Who would have guessed? Richard Nixon wasn't a fan of modern art. (ARTINFO)

25.4 x 73.0 cm (10" x 28.75") ■
This may look like a rural scene, but the road in the painting is actually within the city limits of Winnipeg. It's Rue des Trappistes in St. Norbert, the southern most suburb of Winnipeg. The road used to pass by a Trappist monastery, hence the name. The monastery, which was originally founded in 1892 by Cistercians from Bellefontaine, France, was moved to Holland, Manitoba, in 1978.
The photograph of the painting is not the best. However, it will have to do.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
• Bicycle frames made out of bamboo. You've gotta love them. (Spiegel)
• Photography died in 1972. (The Guardian)
• Photography died in 1972. (The Guardian)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
• Gore Vidal, at last, a crackpot. (Vanity Fair)
• Say it ain't so! Joseph Duveen and Bernard Berenson vindicated. (edward_winkleman)
• Say it ain't so! Joseph Duveen and Bernard Berenson vindicated. (edward_winkleman)
Monday, January 11, 2010
• That is Priceless. Art's greatest masterpieces made slightly funnier. Not to be missed. (via C-Monster)
• The battle over Jack Kerouac's estate. (FineBooks & Collections)
• It's time to resurrect duelling. (Forbes)
• The battle over Jack Kerouac's estate. (FineBooks & Collections)
• It's time to resurrect duelling. (Forbes)
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Selected Caricatures and Paintings: work by David Levine from an exhibition at the Forum Gallery in New York City, 2008.
• The Winnipeg Free Press has an obituary for Canadian artist Bruce Head. A memorial service will be held at the Winnipeg Art Gallery on February 10, 2010 at 7:00 pm.
• A slideshow of David Levine's work. (The New York Times)
• Newspaper Death Watch.
• A slideshow of David Levine's work. (The New York Times)
• Newspaper Death Watch.
Thursday, January 07, 2010

oil on canvas
55.9 x 71.1 cm (22" x 28")
I had a great deal of difficulty photographing this painting. In the end I had to rely on Photoshop to get the digital image to look anything like the original painting. If I keep working on canvas I'll have to figure out some reliable way of photographing the paintings.
This is the south perimeter bridge across the Red River in Winnipeg.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
• Artist Kenneth Noland died yesterday at age 85. (The New York Times)
• Japanese 'capsule' hotels are becoming home to the jobless. (The New York Times) (via C-Monster)
• Japanese 'capsule' hotels are becoming home to the jobless. (The New York Times) (via C-Monster)
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
• Tyler Green's top 10 of 2009. (Modern Art Notes)
• Montaigne and how to live. (Literary Review)
• Think twice about grad school. (The Chronicle)
• Montaigne and how to live. (Literary Review)
• Think twice about grad school. (The Chronicle)

55.9 x 71.1 cm (22" x 28") ■
This painting was photographed last night in a poorly lit studio. It's still drying on the easel.
I'm not at all sure of the exactness of the colour reproduction. I was guessing as I attempted to correct the colour in photoshop. The actual painting may be better or worse than what you see.
The farm is just outside of the city limits of Winnipeg.
Monday, January 04, 2010
• Two respected artists died last week: in Winnipeg, Bruce Head (Winnipeg Free Press), and in New York, David Levine. (The New York Times)(The New York Times)(CBC News) They'll both be missed.
• A Degas is missing from a Marseille museum. (CBC News)(The Guardian)
• In praise of Raymond Chandler. (spiked review of books)
• The sex life of Grace Kelly. (The New Yorker)
• A Degas is missing from a Marseille museum. (CBC News)(The Guardian)
• In praise of Raymond Chandler. (spiked review of books)
• The sex life of Grace Kelly. (The New Yorker)

30.5 x 45.7 cm (12" x 18")
It's difficult to tell what's going on in this drawing. There is a person there, and the grey blob where a foot should be, was, in fact, a fuzzy slipper. The slippers were a dirty pink rather than the grey I rendered them.
The slippers only lasted the evening. After the drawing session, as the model was making her way to change, the soles separated from the uppers.